Our live Blue Oyster Mushroom Liquid Culture Syringe contains an isolated biological sample nurtured, tested, and expanded here at Liquid Fungi. Each Blue Oyster Mushroom Culture is guaranteed 100% contaminate free, or we will replace it at no cost to you. Every mushroom culture syringe contains a proven high-output isolated sub-strain for maximum Blue Oyster Mushroom yield and minimum incubation time. Every purchase includes a sterile individually packaged hypodermic needle for injecting substrate. Mushroom culture syringes are used by laboratories to easily transfer isolated biological samples between locations and substrates without risk of contamination. Mushroom syringes should never be used to inject humans or animals for any reason.

The blue oyster mushroom is one of the most common of the oyster mushrooms used in cuisine world wide. Young specimens will be blueish color on their caps, then changing color to grey tones upon maturing. Not only is the blue oyster mushroom delicious, but it’s one of the easier varieties of oyster mushrooms to grow. This mushrooms grows on a wide range of substrates including straw (wheat, rye, oat, rice, and barley straw), corn, coffee grounds, banana waste, most hardwoods and hardwood by-products like sawdust and paper, compost and much more. This mushroom truly thrives throughout temperate regions of the world. Blue oyster mushrooms prefer colder temperatures, in comparison to other oyster mushrooms. This mushroom loves low temperature drops and even does best when morning lows are around the 40’s and 50’s.


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Blue Oyster Mushroom Liquid Culture Syringe
Blue Oyster Mushroom Liquid Culture Syringe
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